Pickleball Wizard App




Want to learn how to play pickleball?
Scoring and positioning can be challenging to learn and keep track of.

The Pickleball Wizard App will guide you through the game, while also saving your match scores and player stats.

Who’s up next? Which service court? How do we score?

The Pickleball Wizard App provides an interactive, step-by-step guide. It’ll guide you through games of singles (full court) or doubles. Your match scores and player stats will be saved and you can manually add scores as well. Saved scores and stats can be exported.

A companion Watch App is included with the phone app.

The watch app is a standalone app that is included with the purchase of the phone app. It operates separate from the Phone version. With the watch app you can keep score and track who stands where, as you play. Please note that if you wish to save watch scores to your stats, you can manually enter the final score on the phone app (in the Scoreboard section). Please reach out with any questions, issues, comments or requests.

To use the watch app, simply select Singles or Doubles. Then decide who serves first and fill out the name fields to start scoring. The players are color coded - when filling out the player names, you will see that each textfield has a border color (blue, green, yellow and red). When promped, tap which side the starting server is on (from your perspective).

Start playing then tap which side faulted (you can tap either player on the faulting team) and the watch app will keep score and let you know who is up to serve.

The current server is displayed as a white pickleball image. The button images are greyed out for the receiving team and are white for the serving team. The buttom images are color coded with an outline color for each player (blue, green, yellow and red). If you need a reminder of who is what color, simply scroll down a little and the player names are color-coded as well.

If you make a mistake you can "UNDO" (please note that undos are limited to 1-2 undos to avoid confusion - there is also an option to end the match to restart).



Coming soon to Google Play

